What is a thyristor? Example Explain how does MCR100-6 thyristor work in a real electronic circuit?

  1.  What is a thyristor

To help you understand basically what a thyristor is. A thyristor include 2 transistors Q1 Q2 connected in this diagram:

What is a thyristor? Example Explain how does MCR100-6 thyristor work in a real electronic circuit?

A thysristor has 3 pins A K G. ( Anode Cathode Gate )

Anode: positive pole

Cathode: negative pole

Gate: to open Thyristor

To understand thyristor more we have an example MCR100-6 thyristor in DC circuit and AC circuit

  1. Example a MCR100-6 thyristor works in DC voltage circuit
What is a thyristor? Example Explain how does MCR100-6 thyristor work in a real electronic circuit?

To supply G pin a DC voltage we create this circuit:

What is a thyristor? Example Explain how does MCR100-6 thyristor work in a real electronic circuit?
What is a thyristor? Example Explain how does MCR100-6 thyristor work in a real electronic circuit?

in this example, when K switch closes, G pin voltage is higher than 0.7VDC , Q1 transistor opens, so Q2 transistor opens too, the current can flow from A to K, the lightbulb lights.

when the lightbulb is lighting, we opens K switch, G pin is still higher than 0.7VDC ( because Q1 Q2 transistors opened before) so the current still continue flow from A to K, the lightbulb is still lighting.

The light bulb only stop lighting when there is no 12VDC supply

  1. Example a MCR100-6 thyristor works in a AC voltage circuit

This example it changes power supply from 12VDC to 12VDC

First when K switch does not close, the light bulb does not light. When the K switch closes the light bulb lights then turn off very fast. 

Because power supply is AC voltage, so when power supply is in negative voltage cycle, the Q2 transistor in Thyristor stop working (Q2 off) then when power supply is come back positive votage circle Q2 has stop then lightbulb can not light.

thyristor is a very basic electronic component, when you understand how a thyristor works you can understand a triac, a diac work very clearly. 

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